COVID-19 Impact Report: Nonprofit Organizations


The novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, is creating a situation with diverse impacts around the world and across the states. Many nonprofit organizations are struggling to help their communities while also trying to endure the crisis themselves. While nonprofits are addressing changing environments in their own way depending on the mission of their organization, one thing is clear across the board: communities need support now more than ever.

The effect of the impact

Nonprofits are trying to adapt to a new reality while continuing to serve and make a difference in their own communities. But due to COVID-19 safety measures, many have reported difficultly in maintaining communications with their support networks alongside increased financial challenges as funding groups redirect efforts toward COVID-19 related programs.

A survey involving over 500 organizations worldwide was recently conducted by Charities Aid Foundation of America[1] to understand how the growing threat of the coronavirus global pandemic affected their organizations and how they are coping with COVID-19 in their communities. Almost 97% of respondents reported negative impacts related to the virus, including decreased contributions; travel restrictions which disrupt contact with clients, donors, and recipients; issues with client relations; disruptions to staffing or operations; increased costs; and disrupted supply chains.

The survey also found that 42.6% of respondents were providing services to people impacted by the spread of COVID-19, including food banks and medical services providers.

Communicate with the right tone

Now, more than ever, people are looking to nonprofits to aid their communities during these tough, uncertain times. It is important to keep open lines of communication with your volunteers, donors and community being served.

So how should nonprofits be connecting with the public, and how should that tone carry through in marketing efforts? It is important to acknowledge the crisis, but many are looking for normalcy, a welcome distraction and reminder that life goes on. Make sure to provide helpful, informative and supportive messaging, otherwise the impact of your organization’s message could feel tone-deaf. Highlighting your efforts to provide affordable housing, enabling an underserved community the ability to access health care, or showcasing how the community came together to fund an afterschool program can stand out just by including users in part of the normal fabric of your mission. Smart, focused marketing that strikes the right tone can help nonprofits overcome this time of crisis, and even grow.[2]

New opportunities await

Historically, for-profit brands tend to turn the dial down on advertising budgets during an economic downturn. The decreased competition for inventory is making this an effective time for nonprofits to stretch their budgets and connect with new audiences that were previously out of reach. In addition to fewer marketing competitors, there are more people interacting with digital media while at home. TV consumption is on the rise, as is social media and online video consumption. We recommend focusing ad spend on upper funnel tactics at scale during this time. The blurring of home and workspaces has allowed us to identify new strategies for prompting consumer engagement. Consider diversifying advertising efforts to reach consumers throughout the day whether they are on mobile phones, connected TV’s, laptops and tablets.

During this time, it’s important to clarify the tone of your organizations message and focus on resources that can make a difference in reach. Lean into digital opportunities and consider device usage. Your organization can grow even during these uncertain times.






